Did you know that giving a small sum each month can help to completely transform the lives of children in need?
For many children, the opportunities available at school are not enough to help them to excel and reach their full potentials. Here at KIND, our aim is to provide as many opportunities to as many children as possible through our Programs.
The cost facilitating each child in our programs is roughly $800 per child per month.
Through the Sponsor A Child To Learn (SACTL) program, your monthly donations will help us to provide children with unrestricted access to our programs.
Sponsor a Child to Learn Program
Donations of at least $100 per month for individuals/ families, or at least $800 per month for corporations, will go a long way towards assisting KIND to provide:
Social Education & Exploratory Sessions
Literacy & Creative Writing Classes
Martial Arts & Other Avenues
for Fostering Discipline & Positive Behavioural Change
Classroom Materials & Other Necessary Items
Over the past decade and a half, your generous donations have helped to give thousands of children increased opportunities to a more holistic education.
As our subscriptions increase, so will more children be able to access a higher quality of programs at KIND.
Your continued support is crucial to the success and longevity of this campaign. That is why we’ll do anything we can to help you with the donation process.
We understand the numerous constraints our donors face which is why we have provided a number of different ways for you to Sponsor A Child To Learn.
Download and fill out our quick and easy Sponsor A Child To Learn Pledge Form and email it back to us to get the process started.

Direct Deposit
Individual & Corporate donors can make monthly donations via online banking direct deposit to:
Kids in Need of Direction (KIND), First Citizens Bank
Account #: 993946

Standing Order / Salary Deduction
Cut the monthly hassle by choosing to donate via Standing Order or Salary Deduction.
Download and fill out the appropriate sections of the SACTL Pledge Form to get the process started now!
Cash / Cheque Donations
Cheques can be made out to:
Kids in Need of Direction
Both cash and cheques can be directly delivered to our office:
Corner Eastern Main Rd & Pashley St, Laventille, Trinidad.

Coming Soon!